onsdag 11. juni 2014

Enough talking!

Finally! After handing in all my exam papers I am finally free to focus on cycling across America. I arrived at my parents house in southeastern Norway a couple of days ago and it felt great to see some family and friends before I set off. Having seen nothing but books the last couple of weeks, I welcomed the thought of spending the next two months on the road, seeing new places and meeting new people, but at the same time try to soak in every last bit of home before I leave. 

After spending a couple of days with my family it was finally time to start this adventure I had been talking about for so long. My girlfriend drove me, my boxed up bike and all the stuff i will be needing the next two months to Oslo airport this morning, and after checking in the bike and stuff we said our goodbyes. Everything went perfectly smooth at the airport except for a small comment the gentleman at the special baggage check-in made; that I should not have stuffed my bike panniers inside the bike box but he decided to let me off with a warning. The flight in general went well and as I packed out the bike at the hotel room in Seattle, I found that everything was intact and in order. Seems like the baggage throwers had spared this one.  

Now that I have arrived with my bike on this continent the talking-stage of the trip is officially over, and the doing begins. The easy part is now behind me and the real work lies ahead. But first I will need a good night's rest.

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